Piyush Raj (16)

Attracted to hardware hacking, likes to fiddle with software, open-source contributor/evangelist and an independent security researcher by night.

How I Hacked Samsung's Tizen OS & LG Electronics Private Project Management Instances

IntroductionMonths ago I discovered a flaw hackers can use to access Samsung’s and LG Electronics internal bug tracking and project management instances running on Jira. The flaw only takes a couple of commands to potentially access intranets, cause XSS and anything that SSRF can cause, including something…

Refactoring Web UI — Making Great First Impression For IEEE MUJ Home

As I'm currently pursuing User Interface Design by University of Minnesota, I thought, why not give it a try as opposed to my gut feeling (brain's telling me, our plate is currently full dude, remember that software release you have to do, or those two papers you…

My first security talk — BSides Delhi 2019 Experience

Well, last year, at the age of 18, I finally popped my security cherry and presented my research revolving around server fingerprinting in Delhi organised by the BSides. It all started when an email made it's way into my inbox containing the good news but the moment this tweet below fleeted, that was really the moment…

Introducing πrate — Pi Day 2020

This Pi Day, πrate is going to end privacy. All personal information that has ever existed or will ever exist, the PII credentials of every earthling, can be searched just by using this website which utilizes the almighty power of Pi. You can find your identity related…

IEEE MUJ 2020 Workshop — How to Google Summer of Code?

I recently did a presentation on GSoC which was organised by a remarkable student branch in Manipal University Jaipur... and no I’m not talking about MUJ-ACM! This was my first off the cuff presentation. I prepared the slides two hours before the event. I think it went…